White charged with fleeing

PRESCOTT – On Friday, Jan. 5, at approximately 5:10 P.M. Deputy Chris Fore was traveling in his personal vehicle and observed a white male laying underneath a vehicle located at a church on Highway 299 near Highway 53.
Deputy Fore stated he approached the subject and identified himself as a deputy sheriff and asked him what he was doing. Deputy Fore stated the subject stated he was looking for something. Deputy Fore stated he continued talking with the subject and that the subject took off running and fled towards Emmet on Highway 299.
Deputy Fore called for assistance with Deputy Jeremy Hendrix responding. Deputy Hendrix arrived on scene and observed a white male running across a pasture. Deputy Hendrix chased the subject out into a wooded area and placed the subject in custody.
The subject was identified as 18-year-old Dale White from Emmet. White was transported to the Nevada County Detention facility for fleeing on foot.
Deputy Hendrix was later called in reference to a residence being broken into South if this location.
White was later questioned in reference to the residence being broken into. White admitted to entering into the residence.
White was charged with Fleeing on foot, criminal mischief, criminal trespass and was turned over to the detention facility.