Scholarship 5K planned

PRESCOTT – A scholarship 5K run/walk and mile run will be held Saturday, March 31.
The 5K will begin at 7:30 a.m. with the mile run starting when the last 5K participant has crossed the finish line, roughly around 8:30 a.m.
The entry fee is $25 until March 16, and then it goes up to $30 until March 29. Registrations after March 29 will be $35 and only be accepted on the day of the race. The registration fee for the mile run is $10 until March 16, and $15 thereafter, including the day of the race. The mile run, though, will only be for runners ages nine and under.
Shirts will be guaranteed to those who register through March 16. All shirts will be cotton and be in adult sizes only from small to XXXL.
Packets can be picked up between 6-7 a.m. on the day of the race in front of the post office. Shoe chip timing will be used for the 5K, with the timing chip to be firmly attached to the top of the runners’ and walkers’ shoe. Anyone who fails to properly wear their assigned shoe chip won’t be timed and won’t be eligible for any awards. Anyone who loses their chip, or who fails to turn their chip in at the end of the run will be required to pay a $10 fee.
The top three male and female finishers will receive awards in each age division. The age divisions are Masters, 0-9, 10-14, 15-19, 20-24,25-29,30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59 and 60 and up. Awards will also be presented to the top three male and finishers in the walking category in each age division. All participants in the mile run will receive a medal.
In addition, door prizes will be given away to the participants. This will be done at the awards ceremony which will be in front of the Post Office after the race. Winners must be present to win. Those registering before March 16 will also get a goodie bag.
Only those registered for the 5K will be allowed on the course, and the race will be held regardless of weather conditions. However, if the weather conditions pose a possible threat to the participants the race will be cancelled. No refunds, though, will be given. Participants will also be required to sign a waiver/release.
For more information call either Gregory or Maribel Britton at either 870-292-2980 or 870-292-0579; or via email at, or Sponsors are being sought at this time, anyone interested in being a sponsor should contact either Gregory or Maribel at the above numbers.
Money raised from the 5K and mile run will go toward a Y.E.E. stamped scholarship.