Hope School Board Meeting

The Hope School Board held their regular monthly meeting Monday January 22nd. The board made an addition to the minutes at the request of board member Viney Johnson. She asked that the minutes reflect she attempted to attend the meeting but was unable to get upstairs due to the lift being out of order.
Under the Superintendents Report Bobby Hart noted the various schools had some gifts for the board for school board appreciation month. These included framed prints of Hope High which had been drawn by former student Chad Miller. Also there were some sweets from food services. Mr. Hart also noted the board had been invited for “Coffee and Croissants” at Yerger on January 30th and HAPS has invited the board for hot chocolate and cookies. Clinton Primary has invited the board to the PTO meeting at 6pm on the 25th. Beryl Henry Elementary brought their leadership team and presented certificates of thanks to each board member.
Bobby Hart noted enrollment is down slightly at 2,214. He notes it is not unusual to lose students to moving in January. He also urged parents to update their addresses on home access online. Mr. Hart also noted the district is once again seeking a school-based clinic grant. In another note. Mr. Hart noted the district hopes to develop a transportation handbook. Board member Bubba Powers asked about the snow day and asked about distributing information on closing. Mr. Hart noted they had 900 texts delivered.
School Improvement Specialist Carla Narlesky gave a 45 day report. She noted they are addressing teacher absentees. Narlesky also noted the district is still promoting the “strive for five” attendance program for students. She noted at HAPS almost 20 students have completed their first college course. Narlesky had reports from all campuses.
The board officially adopted the Facilities Master Plan. The district will apply for partnership funds for roofing projects at Hope High and Garland. Also the district will seek funds for a new Yerger P.E. facility. Mr. Hart stressed that their are no plans to tear down the existing Yerger Gym.
The board heard a proposal to replace some bell systems. The price was $29, 650.41. Mr. Hart thinks the work should take two weeks.The board voted to replace the bell systems on several campuses.
The board looked at a “request for proposals” for food service. Mr. Hart noted the state has to sign off on the RFP which would take bids on outsourcing the child nutrition programs. The motion passed.
The board looked at a report from School Bus Consultants. The group didn’t think personnel needed to be outsourced but they did discuss routing. Mr. Hart also said the company recommends rethinking how many stops the buses are making. Also the company suggested the district reduce the district’s fleet size. A consultant also spoke. No action was taken on the issue.
The board looked at a grounds and mowing contract renewal. The board looked at a bid for $41,380 from Stroud Mowing, the same amount as the previous year. The board approved the bid from Stroud.
Under facilities rental, the board approved a rental request of the Hope High Cafeteria from an Eastern Star group. The board also approved letting the Brotherhood of Fulton use the Hope High gym in March for their fundraising game.
The board set a meeting for strategic planning for the district. The board planned on meeting Tuesday February 6th at 6pm.
Personnel matters closed out the meeting.