Hempstead County Bicentennial Committee Meets

The Hempstead County Bicentennial Committee met Monday February 5th at the Tailgaters meeting room. Josh Williams chaired the meeting.
A promotions and advertising report was given by Beckie Moore. She noted at the recent press conference there was a good turnout of committee members.
Representatives from KTAL-TV, KHPA/KXAR,and hopeprescott.com were present to cover the event.
Josh Williams gave a report on the Bicentennial website which ishempstead200.com. He noted there are daily updates being posted on the website. These include archival weather reports as well as community events around the county. The site also has the Bicentennial merchandise which is now available. Also discussed was working to have county historians such as Loy Rodgers contribute posts and photos to the site. Keenan Williams also asked Dale Gathright if he could link it to his Saratoga Arkansas Digest site.
Richard Read asked if other businesses could sell Bicentennial merchandise in their stores and it was noted the committee would be interested in other merchants selling the items. McCaskill Mayor Marion Hoosier said he intends to offer schools the opportunity to sell Bicentennial calendars as a fundraiser. It was also asked if the items could be sold online. Keenan Williams lauded Warren Hanson for designing the merchandise. Tarona Armstrong of the President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Site inquired about selling the merchandise in their gift shop. It was also suggested by Judge Haskell Morse that possibly the merchants could maintain a display with the merchandise being produced when the customer made an order. Richard Read also raised questions about stare sales tax.
Under donations it was noted three local banks have pledged $1,000 each and SWEPCO has pledged to give something.
Cherry Stewart noted the Southwest Arkansas Arts Council will officially kick off their photo exhibit February 15th at the Arts Station. Other events were also noted.
Josh Williams noted the Hempstead County Historical Society will initiate bus tours to the townships the third Sunday of each month starting February 18th to the Wallaceburg township.
Mayor Hoosier reported on the townships and noted the McNab tree planting February 13th which will commemorate the Centennial of World War 1.
Richard Read discussed having all the churches with bells to ring on possibly at the same time on December 15th. Judge Morse said it might be a good way to start the celebration on December 15th.
The meeting then adjourned. The next meeting is March 5th.