Missing person found

Hempstead County Sheriff's Department

HOPE – On March 21, at approximately 10:07 a.m., Hempstead County Deputies were dispatched to Hope Tractor in reference to an employee Cody Steed being missing.

Deputies made contact with an employee who stated that employee Steed had been missing in their company truck since noon on Tuesday March 20. The employee stated that Steed was supposed to go to Glenwood on a call for them and did not show up to where he was supposed to go and would not answer his phone.

Deputies made contact with Heather Steed via phone (Cody’s wife), who stated she talked to Cody by phone approximately 1:30 p.m. yesterday. Heather stated Cody told her he was heading to Arkadelphia from Murfreesboro. Ms. Steed stated she could not make contact with him by phone and he did not come home last night.

Deputies were advised by another employee who said he received a call saying the company truck was at 6091 Highway 371in Blevins. Deputies arrived at the residence and observed the company truck sitting in the yard. Deputies turned the company truck over to an employee of Hope Tractor.

Deputies made contact with Michelle Dean who owns the residence. Deputies asked Dean if she has seen Sted today and she stated she had this morning. Dean stated Steed came over to eat breakfast and she hasn’t seen him since. Deputies asked Dean if they could go inside the residence to look for Steed and she told the deputies she would go look. Deputies observed her go inside the house and started to yell for Steed. Dean then came back outside and advised me she did not see him in the residence.

Investigators, Justin Crane and Jeremy McBride arrived at the residence they received permission to go inside the residence to look for Steed but still could not find him. When deputies walked, back outside one of the tenants that was residing in the residence advised them that Steed was hiding in the bathroom under a cabinet. Investigator Crane and deputies found Steed under the cabinet deputies placed him under arrest for unauthorized use of a motor vehicle.

While escorting Cody to deputies’ patrol unit Steed told deputies when Dean was going through the house looking for him she grabbed him and put him in the bathroom to hide.

Investigator McBride then placed Dean under arrest for obstruction of government operations both to the Hempstead County Detention Center with court dates of May 7.



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