Hope City Board

The Hope City Board met Tuesday March 19th. First up the board heard from Jackie Harris of Walker Realty. She had presented a petition for rezoning of some property on North Hazel from C-2 Highway Commercial and R-2 Medium Density Residential to C-2 Highway Commercial to allow the storage of plumbing material and equipment. The board approved the change. Hubert Jones of the new business thanked the board for expediting the zoning change.
Steve Atchley of the Hope Beautification Committee addressed the board regarding the placement of a permanent sign in the city flower bed that faces 3rd Street at Hazel. Atchley noted the Chamber Leadership Group has taken on the project. Atchley noted Greg Wolf had presented a design that incorporates the skyline of downtown Hope. The total cost will be about $3,500 with the Tourism Commission paying for about $2,500 and the rest coming from Beautifcation funds. Atchley also lauded city employee Robin Lee for the help he’s given the Beautifcation Committee. The board voted to approve the placement of the sign.
The board looked at a change order for the Downtown Pavilion ( to be known as the Hub and Pavilion Park) for $8,921.50. This was for irrigation for the grassy area. The price submitted by Deaton Construction would include a sprinkler system, concrete saw cut, labor and materials for $5,245.05. The price for Bermuda sod was quoted as $3,676.45. The board amended the total for the sprinkler, concrete saw cut, labor,and materials for$4,133. Paul Henley’s employees will install potting soil and sod from a local source. The pavilion is due to be finished this Friday.
The board looked at a change order on the wastewater rehab program. The change order concerns some sewer line replacement at 4th and Walnut and 3rd and Bill Clinton Drive. It also would include some heavy cleaning on 2nd to some cast iron pipe (in lieu of cast in place pipe) and removal of a tree on Hamilton. The change order would increase the cost by $71,587.35. The changes would help the line that serves First Baptist and the new Farmers Bank as well as a line behind the mini-storage units on the bypass. The city had about $152,000 left in the funding for the project. The board approved the change order.
The board looked at two bids for the purchase and installation of police equipment and graphics for two new police vehicles. The bids were$11,481.64 from Cap Fleet Upfitters of Little Rock and $13,123.58 from Dana Safety Supply of North Little Rock. The board accepted the low bid.
The board looked at a rezoning request for some property on North Laurel to go from I-1 (heavy industrial) to R-5(residential) to allow placement of a manufactured home by Alfred D. Banks. The board approved an ordinance approving the change.
The board looked at a declaration of surplus property. The wastewater department wanted to sell a 2000 Chevy pick-up because the motor and transmission are both not working. The request was to allow it to be sold online with a starting bid of $300. The board approved the declaration of surplus property.
Under Citizens Requests, John Akin asked if there will be a charge to use the downtown pavilion. Mayor Montgomery indicated there probably would be. Akin asked if the Farmers Market would get to use it free of charge. Mayor Montgomery indicated they could be exempted as a non-profit. Akin stated that it is possible some will have to pay and some won’t. No action was taken.
Allen Flowers asked about when the work will be done on 6th as he had a church member concerned. He also asked that the city look at a bulge in the pavement on Rozzelle Street near California. The meeting then adjourned.