Blevins Benefit BBQ for Arkansas Children’s Hospital

The Blevins Area-Wide Benefit for Arkansas Children’s Hospital was held Saturday and appeared to be a huge success. Hundreds came to the northern Hempstead County town to feast on bar b que chicken, beef,and pork with all the trimmings. The benefit dates back to the 1980’s when the Bonds and Hinton families organized the benefit after several local children had been treated at Arkansas Children’s Hospital. Since then, the benefit has raised over $320,000 for ACH. As usual, the Bear Creek Boys provided outstanding music and a dessert auction was held. Blevins native Don Worthy also presented a check for $1,000 from the First United Methodist Church in Hope’s Century Bible Class. The organizers have promised to give us the results of the benefit after they tally up the donations. It appears the effort will once again raise many thousands of dollars for Arkansas Children’s Hospital.