Ward top staffer at UAHT

HOPE – Each year the University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana honors an outstanding staff member. UAHT is proud to announce that this year’s winner is Gene Ward. Ward has served the college in the maintenance department for 21 years.

Ward is always there to help with grace and a smile according to his nomination letter. He takes pride in his work and does not shy away from a challenge. His commitment goes far beyond a desire to perform a job well, in fact, his goal is to make UAHT a place where employees are proud to work, and students are proud to attend. He comes in early, stays late, and takes night and weekend calls without complaint. When colleagues have been ill or needed time off, Gene comes to work on scheduled vacation days to help his peers. On multiple occasions, he has come to the rescue during a concert or after class hours to repair broken air conditioners or fix plumbing problems. 

Gene always volunteers to work at every event outside of normal working hours to make sure everyone is comfortable, and nothing goes wrong. He demonstrates a commitment to excellence in all areas of service to the college. When the physical plant department experienced a shortage of half of its full-time staff for several months, he took it upon himself to ensure that the campus remained both functional and beautiful by working tirelessly until the jobs were done and everything was operational. He is without question deserving of the Spirit of Excellence in Service Outstanding Staff award because of his outstanding effort and commitment to service to every person who steps foot on the UAHT campus.

Please join the UAHT family in thanking Cindy Phillips for her dedication to serving students and fellow employees at the University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana.

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