Hope Has Bear Fever

The city of Hope welcomed a visitor from afar on Wednesday May 22nd. A black bear was spotted Wednesday morning crossing Elm Street near the 1000th block. After authorities were notified, Game and Fish officers fanned out behind the Georgetown addition as far south as the areas near Heather Manner and Hope Haven on west 23rd. The Hope Office of Animal Control released this photo Wednesday evening reporting the bear had been humanely trapped and would be relocated.
The bear had reportedly been tagged in Cass County, Texas and had been spotted recently in Texarkana. After the initial reports of the bear’s appearance, social media had accounts of bear being sited in Guernsey and West Avenue “B”. The bruin was the subject of much discussion in businesses and restaurants in Hope throughout the day. One local wag told his coffee buddies he had it figured out. When pressed, he replied “Gentlemen…this is obviously a Spring HIll Bear”!