“Fuel Up” starts June 3

HOPE –The Hope Public School District Board will “Fuel Up: Feeding Bodies, Fueling Minds,” beginning June 3 by providing free lunch meals to local youth 18 years old and under this summer.
The program will operate Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. until noon on a rotating schedule at Hope Fair Park, Hope Northside Park and Hope High School cafeteria.
A modified school bus will serve as the base of operations for the community park visits, with attendant activities including a parent center, workshops by the Hempstead County Master Gardeners on healthy foods, Hope Fire Department safety conversations, public health screenings, and story time by community volunteer readers.
Health screenings will be arranged through the newly-developed school-based health clinic at Hope High School. Books for the story time activity and distribution have been provided by local community service partners and individuals.
July 4 will be the only weekday without any meal service.