Hope Tourism Commission
The Hope Tourism Commission met Thursday June 13th for their regular meeting. After looking at the financial report and tax collections, the commission looked at some advertising. The commission looked at an ad in the USA Today “Guide to National Parks”. The commission also discussed a possible billboard although no action was taken.
The commission revisited tourism tax collections and a proposed ordinance that further details penalties. Paul Henley said the City Board wanted the Tourism Commission to see the proposed ordinance before the city board acts upon it. The commission voted to endorse the proposed ordinance.
Commission member Sharon Caldwell asked about why the trains had been blocking the downtown crossings. Paul Henley noted Union Pacific has been staging equipment for repairs at the old Village Shopping Center and he noted there are probably repairs which are delaying trains at night.
Vice-Mayor Don Still revisited the matter of tourism tax collections. He suggested the code enforcement personnel bring info on the tourism tax to persons opening new restaurants.
Vice-Mayor Still gave an update on parking lot proposals for the Kopecky property. He noted they will meet with the National Park people on June 20th. Paul Henley also detailed some motorists who got stuck on the site of the old Kopecky house and that they have placed a barrier in the driveway.
An update was given on the Hub Pavilion downtown. Paul Henley gave an update in the grass, bathroom locks, and ceiling fans.
The commission looked at the new “slice of the good life” license plates. Three hundred will be distributed free with the first distribution event at the “4th Thursday Slip Away”.
Beckie Moore of the Hope/Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce brought information on the Watermelon Festival. Moore asked the Tourism Commission to up their regular $10,000 contribution for the festival concert to $12,000. Moore cited the cost of Diamond Reo for the request. Moore also noted wrestling will be Thursday and also a Latino DJ will be onstage Friday from 5pm to 8pm. Moore also discussed the Watermelon T-shirts and the theme is “the flavor of fun”. Colors will be green, purple, and royal blue. The commission voted to give the Chamber $10,000 and forgive a $2,000 bill for electricity thus year.
The commission heard a proposal from the Klipsch Museum regarding for a presence in downtown Hope. Jim Hunter made that request. Hunter’s request was mostly for guidance. The Klipsch Museum operates a facility in Oakhaven in a Proving Ground building but also is considering attempting to acquire a house a block north of the UP tracks where Paul Klipsch demonstrated 3 channel stereo to over 400 guests in the 1950’s. No action was taken but Hunter said following the meeting he will refine his requests, if any, for help in working on the possible “downtown presence”. The meeting then adjourned.