Back to School Bash successful in Rosston

ROSSTON – Students in the Rosston area got a helping hand with school supplies as a Back to School Bash was held at the Rosston Volunteer Fire Station Monday.

Students and their parents or guardians were invited to come and get school supplies for the coming year. School, for the Nevada School District, starts Aug. 19. They were able to get items such as: colors, markers, paper, pencils, pens, notebooks, composition books and folders.

In addition, they were able to enjoy hot dogs and hamburgers before heading home with their supplies.

The bash was made possible by donations from the community and area banks. Those donating to the event were: Nadine Quarles, St. Paul Church of Emmet, Bank of Prescott, Farmers Bank and Trust, Bank of Delight, Irene Tidwell, Golden Star Chapter 359, Oak Grove Church, Charlotte and Herbert Coleman and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hollowran. Overall $755 was raised for the event.

Rosston Mayor Dale Quarles thanked everyone for their support during the meeting of the Rosston City Council Monday night, saying this helps bring unity to the community. He called the bash a great success with plenty of food for everyone. He said the community’s children need to know they’re behind them. He added he’s seeing a difference in young people in the respect they’re helping out around the community and becoming role models.