Giant Bright Family Melons Now On Display At Hope’s Holiday Inn Express

If you or your family has a hankering to see some giant watermelons, head over to Hope’s Holiday Inn Express at North Hervey and I-30.  While they last there are three giant melons grown by the Bright family.  The biggest is a 160.5 pound Jumbo Black Diamond.  There is also a 120.5 pound Jumbo Black Diamond and a Carolina Cross melon that weighs in at about 120 pounds.  Shown with the giant melons are Holiday Inn Express owners Matt and Gary Chambless.  Sitting are Lloyd Bright and sister Barbara Jones.  Lloyd Bright has grown or helped grow three world-record watermelons that were certified by the Guinness Book of World Records.  The most recent world’s record grown by Bright was a 268.8 pound melon grown about 15 years ago.  The Bright family has been very important to Hope over the last 45 years when it comes to big watermelons and we join the Chambless family in saluting this very special family.  They mean a lot to Hope!