Hope City Board

The Hope City Board met Tuesday at the Fair Park Community Center for their first meeting of May.  First up was the consideration of the police department application for a “STEP” grant.  This is through the Arkansas Highway Safety Office.  The board agreed to allow the police department to seek $32,254.34 with an in-kind match of $15,255.80.  Just under $3,500 would be earmarked for the purchase and distribution of child safety seats.  The board approved the application.

City Manager Catherine Cook presented a proposed street program for this year.  The proposed budget was $500,000. The breakdown was for $52,238 for milling, $247,511 for overlay, $37,400 for pressure pave fog seal, $115, 675 for drainage with $47,176 for miscellaneous pipe, concrete, gravel, and turn lanes.   Some of the streets up for work include Southland, South Hazel, Walnut, South Grady, and West Avenue A.  Also included is some drainage work on Patmos Road, Industrial Drive, South Laurel, Princeton, Spruce, and Maryland.   The street program was approved.

Under the City Manager’s Report, Catherine Cook noted Caney Creek Estates is requesting speed bumps on Caney Creek Drive and West 7th.  Cook noted the City doesn’t have a policy on the installation of speed bumps and wanted the board to consider developing a policy on speed bumps.  Mayor Still suggested the police put their “speed box” on 7th to collect data on the speeding in that area.  It was agreed to put the box out to collect data.  Mayor Still also noted the City Board may get a visit from some of the business owners downtown in reference to the speed bump on Division.  This led to a short discussion on stop signs.  No action was taken.

Cook, in her Report, gave a report on the status of the city grapple truck.  Cook also noted new garbage bags have been ordered and will be distributed this month.

The swimming pool was discussed and Cook noted they are continuing to get it ready.

Tim Blue mentioned the blood drive at the city out public works building on May 24th.  The meeting then adjourned.