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McCaskill Community Center Revitalized

By Wendell Hoover, 12/20/21 3:42 PM

Efforts are underway to revitalize the McCaskill Community Center.  The Committee has been inactive for several months due to the untimely death of President Danny Spicer earlier this year.  Also, the rise of COVID has restricted the efforts at the Center.  The Committee recently met and elected Wayne Clark to serve as President.
   Anyone interested in the Community Center is welcome to come to the Committee meetings the third Thursday of each month at 6pm at the Community Center.  Talks are underway of reviving the Easter Egg Hunt and McCaskill Days celebration.  Also being discussed is holding an event to honor the memory of Spicer and his contributions to the community.
   The Community Center is still available for rent for events.  Anyone interested can contact Katherine Williamson at 870-826-0989.