Ben Hale Announces Endorsements For His Campaign

Ben Hale, candidate for Prosecuting Attorney for Hempstead and Nevada counties, has been publicly endorsed by a number of locally elected officials and law enforcement leaders from both Hempstead and Nevada counties, according to a press release from the Ben Hale for Prosecuting Attorney campaign.

Among those endorsing Hale are Nevada County Judge Mark Glass and Hempstead County Judge Jerry Crane, along with Sheriffs Danny Martin of Nevada and James Singleton of Hempstead. Prescott Chief of Police Ann Jordan and Hope Chief of Police J.R. Wilson have also endorsed Hale.

Retired Circuit Judge and former Prosecuting Attorney Wm. Randal Wright, current Prosecuting Attorney Christi McQueen, and former Managing Public Defender Danny Rodgers are also on the list of endorsers, as are former State Representatives Sandra Rogers and David “Bubba” Powers.

Nevada Justices of the Peace Herbert Coleman, Willie Wilson, Curtis Lee Johnson, Brenda Stockton, Pat Grimes, Dennis Pruitt, Kenneth Bailey, Bob Cummings, and Chris Fore, along with Hempstead JP’s Jay Lathrop, Jessie Henry, Doris Brown, Cherry Stewart, and Troy Lerew, Sr., have also endorsed Hale, according to the release.

Nevada elected officials County Clerk Julie Oliver, County Assessor Pam Box, County Treasurer Lisa Loe, Circuit Clerk Rita Reyenga and Coroner David Gummeson are also included on the released list of endorsements.

Hope City Directors Trevor Coffee, Steve Montgomery, Reginald Easter, and Linda Clark and Hempstead County Coroner David Peters are also named as endorsers of Hale.

Mayors Terry Oliver of Prescott, Dale Booker of Emmet, Dell Quarles of Rosston, Pamela Purifoy of Bluff City, William Worlow of Cale, Paul Henley of Washington, Bobby Steed of Blevins, Henry Hale of Fulton, Marion Hoosier of McCaskill and David Stallsworth of Ozan are also included in the list, as are former Nevada County Sheriffs Steve Otwell, Bobby Carlton and Harold Vines and former Prescott Chief of Police Joseph Beavers.

Early voting for the Prosecuting Attorney election is currently underway at the county courthouses.  Election day takes place May 24, with voting at usual polling places.

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