Veterans Day Program and Parade Set For Friday and Saturday
A Veterans Parade is set for Friday (11-10) at 4pm and a Veterans Day program and lunch is set for Saturday (11-11) at 11am at the old Hempstead County Courthouse. The speaker for the Veterans Day program will be Terrie James who served as a Captain in the U.S. Army Reserves.
The Veterans Parade is set for 4pm Friday. Line-up begins at 3pm on Elm Street south of 6th. Grand Marshals will be Sgt. Herbert Ross and Col. David Lively. All veterans who wish to ride in the parade are invited. Trailers will be available for veterans to ride on in the parade. The parade will start at 6th and Elm and follow the fair parade route through downtown on Elm to Division to Walnut and 2nd. The parade will disband around Pioneer Printers. For information contact Donna Rosenbaun at 397-4450 or Mark Ross at 703-5136.
The Veterans Day program is set for 11am Saturday at the old Hempstead County Courthouse on Washington Street. Following the program will be a Lions Club Fish Fry. All veterans and their spouses and gold star families eat free. The cost for all others will be $10.
The public is encouraged to turn out in support of our veterans in Hempstead County.