Board approves disclosure resolutions

PRESCOTT – July’s meeting of the Prescott School Board opened with disclosure resolutions being passed.
The board approved resolutions allowing the district to do business with four local companies who have relatives employed with the school system. These resolutions had to be approved before the district could work with these businesses. The businesses in question were: Davis Welding and Repairs, Southern Grace, Lawrence Roofing and Steamatic Cleaning of Hot Springs. It was pointed out if there’s a lower bidder, the district will go with the low bidder.
The panel also approved policy updates from the Arkansas School Board Association. Most dealt with changes in wording, but the major one concerned allowing teachers to take 1/2 personal day to be more flexible as the district will be on a four-day week this year. Superintendent Robert Poole told the board as 2025 is a legislative year, it can expect a lot more changes starting in January.
Two purchase orders were approved. The first was for Curriculum Associates, LLC for the Iready personalized learning program. This is a diagnostic tool to show where students are in reading and math. The tests are given at the start of school, again at the middle of the year and at the end of the year. The program cost is $20,010.
The other purchase order was to Steed Mowing, LLC, for lawn care of the school campuses at a cost of $40,000. This is for mowing only as the school will take care of its own trash pickup.
In his report, Poole said the governor has come out with a cell phone free policy for schools, but the Prescott district already has a jump on this. He said visiting coaches lauded the district for the meals provided to their students during team camps.
A Hall of Fame has been started in Prescott to recognize those who paved the way in Prescott athletics. A banquet will be held later. The question was raised about having an Academic Hall of Fame. Poole said it wouldn’t be a school project, but anyone wanting to start such a committee is more than welcome to do so. He added the Athletic HoF is also not school-related.
Brian Glass was again recognized as state Track Coach of the Year. and the district was thanked by the Class of 1973 for allowing it to meet on the Prescott campus for its recent reunion.
The monthly data report dealt with grade point averages and ACT scores. The board was told some colleges are now accepting GPAs in place of ACT scores when it comes to scholarships, but there is a concern about grade inflation.