Nevada County Quorum Court

The Nevada County Quorum Court met in the County Courtroom on Tuesday (8-13). The meeting started with a prayer, the pledge of allegiance and the approval of last month’s minutes.
The director of the Prescott/Nevada County Chamber of Commerce, Jamie Hilary, presented their monthly report saying they wouldn’t meet again before the fair next month.
From Nevada County Cooperative Extension office there was a report on the Quiz Bowl. Questions will be on farm animals including cattle, sheep, goats and swine.
Two ordinances were proposed. The first one was passed. The second one was tabled after a Citizen spoke expressing his objection.
The first was an appropriations ordinance for $10,000 from the Arkansas Disaster Relief Fund. This is for the tornado in May. The money must be spent in a certain way.
The second ordinance was a lengthy one which gave the county the right to remove vehicles, gates, fences, obstacles and other things from county roads along with prohibiting trash being placed on the roadway. Fires would be banned from county roads as well as diverting water onto them digging on the road or the road easement.  The landowner would need written consent from the County Judge before digging or placing anything within the easement.  A violation of the ordinance would result in a $1,000 fine or double that if a repeat offense. If the offense is continuous, a $500 per day fine would be assessed. Blocking the road would be declared a Class A Misdemeanor.  County Judge Otwell asked if there was anyone in the room that had anything to say. A landowner addressed the proposed ordinance. He talked about land he owned that he couldn’t get a loan on because he lacks legal access. He has a tractor that he mentioned that is parked. The road was declared closed in 2011 so ownership of it reverted to the surrounding landowners who he’ll need to ask for permission to cross the land. He asked about a record of the road being closed.  County Judge Mike Otwell said he would get together with the involved Citizen in the next couple of days.
There was some discussion with a citizen journalist speaking in support of notification of certain ordinances being posted for the public before they are brought up for a vote in the quorum court, the ordinance was tabled for another meeting.
Bridge building and road repair along with studies required in order to do this was the next topic. The money will be reimbursed sixth months later but the studies are required to make sure there are no artifacts, bald eagle nesting sites and other issues aren’t a problem. Roads specifically talked about were Wildcat Road and the landfill road.
County Judge Otwell asked for and was given permission to purchase a dump truck when the funds become available.
Representatives from Sweet Home Church came and spoke on revitalization of the area. The church will be turned into a community center. On the property is the large African American cemetery. It receives a lot of use with people being buried in it from as far away as California.  Help was asked in maintenance of the road. There is an event coming up this weekend. County Judge Otwell said he would direct the road crew to fix the road.
The question was asked if all ordinances need to be posted before being passed with the response only certain ones needed to be.
It was noted Dennis Pruitt has been mowing lawns of those who can’t and he was thanked.  It was also noted the county judge had been out on a recent morning at 6:30am moving trees and this was appreciated.
The meeting then adjourned.