Hempstead County Master Gardener training in October

HOPE – You know what would be groovy? If you combined your love of gardening, education, and service to become a Hempstead County Master Gardener! We have two training options this fall starting in October.

In-person training will be held at the Hempstead County Extension Office and will consist of 5 consecutive Wednesdays (October 23, October 30, November 6, November 13 and Nov. 20 from 8 a.m. – 4:30) during which you will hear educational presentations from our University specialists via Zoom.
The second option is a self-guided online training to begin on October 2 and ends December 9. You will need a computer to take this class; a tablet or mobile device won’t suffice.
If you’re interested in applying, stop by and pick up an application at our office at 1800 E. 3rd St. (former Farm Bureau office) in Hope or you may fill out the application here: https://uada.formstack.com/forms/mg_application
Please call the office at (870) 777-5771 to let us know which class you prefer, Zoom in-person or online. Deadline to apply is Sept. 10. Cost of the Zoom training is $100 and online training is $150 to be paid at the Hempstead County Extension office. This cost includes the Southeast Extension Gardener Handbook which you’ll keep as well as your Hempstead County Master Gardener magnetic name tag.
As a Master Gardener, first-year members must contribute 40 volunteer working hours to projects and obtain 20 educational learning hours, and 20 working and learning hours each year thereafter. Find out more about the Master Gardener program in Arkansas: https://www.uaex.uada.edu/…/master-gardeners/default.aspx