Hope School Board

The Hope School Board met on Tuesday (8-20) The minutes from the previous meeting were approved.
The board heard that the first week of school went well. Board member Bubba Powers asked about how well the cell phone policy was working and it was noted overall it worked well. There were two incidents at Yerger where the phones were removed and the parents came and got them. The elementary Schools and high school didn’t report any issues.
For the 21st Century Community Learning Grant there was an hourly rate pay scale outside of contract hours that needed approval. The board approved it.
The board approved a company from outside of Little Rock named BeSpoke to provide video production services to create two videos for the district.  One video will be about the magnet programs across the district. The goal is to have this video ready by Thanksgiving.  The other video will be a comprehensive look at the Hope Public Schools focused on school choice and celebrating what the Hope Public Schools have to offer students. This video should be ready by spring break.
Allen Flowers from Theta Upsilon fraternity talked to the board about a program called the “Purple Tie Club” which is a program that takes young men and works with them in terms of manners and etiquette. The Board approved the program.
The board had three personnel matters they approved.  The meeting then adjourned.