Hempstead County Farm Bureau Honors Ron Price and Dorsey Askew for Founding Spring Hill Football Program

This year, Spring Hill football celebrates 25 years since the beginning of their program. Twenty-five years ago, two people who are passionate about the school, community, their family, and football, started discussing the possibility of the school having a football program. One afternoon, Dorsey Askew and Ron Price took a school yearbook to see if they could pick out at least 13 young men who might be interested in playing football. They were encouraged by the possibility of having enough to form a team, so they sent our flyers to students about a meeting to see what interest there would be for those who would like to play football. They were hoping that at least 13 students to sign up… They were overwhelmed when 38 showed up for the meeting. They didn’t have any helmets, shoulder pads, jerseys or even a field… only a dream of one day being able to see young men wear a Spring Hill jersey and play football for the Bears.
For the past several years, Farm Bureau Insurance has provided “Player of the Week” game balls for high school football players all over the state of Arkansas. With the Silver anniversary milestone of this program, Farm Bureau thought that it would only be appropriate to also award a game ball to these two who were so instrumental in the beginning of this program. This past Friday night, they were awarded a game ball that reads “With appreciation for 25 years of dedication to Spring Hill Bear Football”. Hempstead County Farm Bureau, as well as the Spring Hill school, community, former players, and friends would like to congratulate and say Thanks to Ron and Dorsey for envisioning this program and the countless hours and days they have dedicated to this program!