More Charges Filed Against Texarkana Man in Hempstead County

Alejandro Mendoza, 34, of Texarkana was charged last year with a number of charges such as rape, internet stalking of a child, and engaging children in sexually explicit conduct.  Several new charges have been filed against him in Hempstead County.  These include 1 count of “engaging children in sexually explicit conduct for use in visual or print medium”, 1 count of “possession or use of child sexual abuse material”, 1 count of engaging children in sexually explicit conduct for use in visual or print medium”, 1 count of “internet stalking of a child”, 10 counts of “possession or use of child sexual abuse material”, 1 count of “engaging children in sexually explicit conduct for use in visual or print medium”, and 3 counts of “possession or use of child sexual abuse material”.

Mendoza is being held in the Nevada County Jail with bond set at $2 million dollars.