H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Update

HOPE – The Hempstead County Cooperative Extension Service has released updated poultry illness information.

H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Update from Dr. Dustan Clark, Professor of Poultry Science/Extension Poultry Veterinarian, University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture:

Since February 8, 2022, 141.35 million birds have affected with Avian Influenza H5N1. The total number of flocks is 1,443 (662 commercial flocks and 781 backyard/hobby flocks). The disease has been detected in all 50 states and in Puerto Rico.

In the last 30 days, there have been 98 confirmed flocks (57 commercial and 41 backyard/hobby). The total number of birds affected is 15.48+ million. Arkansas has had 1 positive backyard/hobby flock and 3 positive commercial poultry flocks this year (2025).

Avian Influenza H5N1 has been confirmed in 40 dairy premises in 2 states (California and Michigan) in the last 30 days.

We remind all poultry owners to practice good biosecurity to keep our flocks healthy. Check out our biosecurity resources and information for poultry owners: https://www.uaex.uada.edu/farm…/biosecurity/default.aspx and additional avian influenza information here: https://www.uaex.uada.edu/farm-ranch/biosecurity/avian-flu/