Hope Planning & Zoning Board denies Hope School District request

HOPE – The Hope Planning and Zoning Commission Monday denied a Special Use Permit request from the Hope School District for the purpose of allowing a multi-sports complex to be located on the Bill Clinton Bypass. After an hour of hearing the proposal from Hope School Superintendent Jonathan Crossley, statements from residents of the adjacent Strong Addition in attendance, and written statements, the motion to grant the permit failed on a 2-2-3 vote: 2 in favor, 2 abstentions, and 3 against.
The property is zoned R-1 Residential Use District. The principal use currently is residential. Public and private schools offering a general education course are allowed on review of the Planning Commission. A Special Use Permit would be required to allow the property to be used as requested within the current zoning district.
Superintendent Crossley said the district is looking at purchasing 12 acres for future plans to construct a multi-sports complex for softball, baseball, and tennis facilities that would be used only by the district for school purposes of practices and games and the possible hosting of regional and state tournaments. He emphasized the land has not been purchased. Crossley said other properties have been looked at in the city, but the price and the closeness to the Hope High School campus made this location attractive. He said any development could be as long as 5-7 years in the future.
Several local residents spoke in opposition, citing a number of factors, including increases in foot traffic, crime, noise, vehicle and bus traffic, and possible hindrances to emergency traffic going to the hospital.
The commission had the option to approve, modify, or deny. The motion that failed was to approve with the addition of additional fencing.
The Planning and Zoning Commission serves as an advisory board to the City Board of Directors on issues such as rezoning requests, approval of preliminary and final plats of a subdivision development, zoning issues, and Special Use Permits. Once the Commission has discussed the details of a hearing held, they make a recommendation to the City Board, who will make the final determination.