Emmet City Council

The Emmet City Council met on Thursday (3-20).  The meeting was kicked off with a prayer.  There was a motion to approve the agenda.  Nevada County Judge Mike Otwell was present to discuss a tax to pay for the jail.  The judge said that the current three-quarter of a cent sales tax noted if the sales tax was voted in, it would go toward things like fixing up the landfill.

There was a motion to approve the minutes.  The motion passed.  Mayor Dale Booker suggested charging $2.50 per household to help pay for a new garbage truck.  A motion was made and passed to approve the charge.  The mayor said he wanted to get credit cards for the council.  Tempers flared between council members about the proposed ordinance.
Mayor Booker announced the city needs poll workers for elections.  If the city doesn’t get enough poll workers, people in the area will have to go to Prescott for voting.  The meeting then adjourned.
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