Cold doesn’t deter parade crowd

XMAS PARADE 020PRESCOTT – Cold weather didn’t keep the crowd down from Thursday night’s Christmas parade or Christmas on the Square, as Second St. S was lined with people who braved the frigid temperatures for the event.

Those on the floats were bundled up, for the most part, in an attempt to stay warm. Youngsters managed to stay somewhat warm as they raced to collect candy tossed from the different floats. Once the parade ended, most went to the Nevada County Courthouse for Christmas on the Square, where three children’s groups sang carols. Hot chocolate was available to help people warm up. Santa set up shop, so to speak, inside the courthouse and chatted with boys and girls about how good they’ve been this year and what they want for Christmas.

The parade and Christmas on the Square were sponsored by the Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce.

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