Hope City Board

The Hope Downtown Network raised close to $15,000 at the Downtown Legacy Dinner held October 5, Hope Police Chief JR Wilson said at the Tuesday night city board meeting. “ It was a marvelous event,” Wilson reported to the board. Other business consisted of declaring three vehicles as surplus from the Hope Police Department. They will be sold on govdeals.com of which Wilson said gives them a much better profit than auctioning would. 

The city also heard a report on the  rail project dealing with long term parking on tracks. Wilson reported that the project was close to completion and paperwork was turned in . He didn’t have the exact number on hand but said they were able to stay right at budget.

The board voted to approve the acceptance of  Step Grant money which is awarded to the department for $28,200 for a variety of safety measures.The amount of $3,000 will go toward safety seats for children. Park projects are also moving along well, according to Wilson.Wilson also reminded anyone that is subject to AP tax to please make sure those packets are completed and turned in by December 1st. If they are not in by that date there is a $500 violation fee.