Hope for Paws, prayers for Sandlin

Hope Animal Control Director Tammy Austin asked for prayers from the community for Hope For Paws long time actvist and animal secretary JoAnn Sandlin. Austin asked for prayers when HopePrescott.com was visiting the shelter to discuss what animals would be available for adoption for Christmas this year. Austin said she cant really express what Sandlin means to the community and the care for local animals. Sandlin was in the intensive care unit Wednesday afternoonaccording to Austin. Austin said Sandlin handles all the vet appointments for the animals , paperwork and so much more. For a look at all available animals go to the Hope Animal shelter Facebook page. She has 11 puppies that will be ready for adoption in four weeks. They are 3 weeks old right now. Austin also said that when considering a pet as a Christmas gift to realize that you are taking on a new family member and it needs to be taken seriously. She said to consider it is a lifetime commitment.