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Cox’s kindergarten class’s Santa letters

ROSSTON – These are letters to Santa from Cox’s kindergarten class. Dear Santa, My name is Jayden. I am 5 years old. This year I have been nice. These are…

Oliver’s class Santa letters

ROSSTON – These are letters from Oliver’s class at Nevada Elementary. Dear Santa, Hello, I have been very naughty. I would like a book. Love, Elijah Madson. Dear Santa, Hi!…

Williams’ third grade Santa letters

Dear Santa, How is you day going today? I need a PS5 use my borthse are twkeing cochori. First, they like to come into my rum and play it. Next,…

Glass’s PES kindergarten Santa letters

Dear Santa, We have been good boys and girls. We are very excited that Christmas is coming soon. Here is a list of our favorite things we hope to see…

Hilliard’s class pens letters to Santa

ROSSTON – These are Hilliard’s first grade letters to Santa. Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus doing. I want some toys. I want some candy. I want a…

Holiday closings

Holiday closings

PRESCOTT – All city and county offices will be closed at noon Thursday in observance of the Christmas holiday. City and county offices will reopen Tuesday, Dec. 28. For the…

Jackson’s kindergarten Santa letters

ROSSTON These are letters to Santa from Jackson’s kindergarten class at Nevada Elementary: Dear Santa, My name is Emma. I am 5 years old. I have been nice. These are…

Brown’s third grade Santa letters

Dear Santa, I wunt to see candy becus withour hr i have known to play with and I want and lol supris and Everewun for chrissmiss pieces. Santa I no…

Garcia’s third grade Santa letters

Dear Santa, I really want a fidget toy and a moby mash fidget toy and can I have a pop-it backpack. And something for my litle brother. Love, Cassiay Strickland…

Herring’s first grade Santa letters

ROSSTON – These are Herring’s first grade letters to Santa. Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. For Christmas I would like a hover board. Love, Faith Dear Santa,…