Clergy Appreciation Week

HOPE – The Hope Citivan Club will join other Citivan clubs and organizations around the world in honoring clergy of all faiths during Clergy Appreciation Week, January 29th through February 4th, 2017.
On February 3, 1943, the USS Dorchester was transporting 905 American servicemen to Greenland. An undetected Nazi submarine torpedoed the ship, and it began to sink rapidly. On deck, amid confusion and terror, Army Champlains George Fox, Alexander Goode, Clark Poling and John Washington tried to calm the men, distribute life vests, and direct the men to lifeboats. These four champlains gave their own life vests to four soldiers, thus giving away their own means of survival. The Dorchester sank with the four champlains and some 675 servicemen aboard.
It is that moment which Citivans in North America annually pause to remember, and in doing so, pause to say thank you to the clergy of their communities. Clergy Appreciation Week was initiated in 1960 to be observed during the week of February 3rd. The idea for Clergy Werk is to help promote world brotherhood and religious understanding among all people, regardless of religious persuasion. It is a time when we can reflect on our individual religious beliefs and to promote and understanding and acceptance of the right of others to participate in a religion different from our own. Our Mayor, Steve Montgomery, is issuing a proclamation for the observance of this week. We want to encourage all citizens of our area to thank and remember our clergy in some way during this time. This year, the Citivan club members are inviting their personal clergy to a dinner meeting for a meal and special program.
The Hope Citivan Club meets at Dos Loco Gringos on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday’s at 6:00pm. For more information about the group, you can contact Mona Still at 870-983-3073 or 870-648-5083.