Forage conference March 31

TEXARKANA – There’s still time to register for the Southern States Forage Conference on March 31.
Registration for the conference is $20 in advance and $30 at the door. The conference will be held at the Four States Fairgrounds and will run from 8:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.
The day will begin with registration and a trade show at 8:30, with a welcome at 9, followed by Tiffany Lashment talking about leasing property from 9:10-10:10. There will be a break from 10:10-10:40 where patrons can visit the trade show. From 10:40 until noon, Michael McCormick will talk about producing baleage. Lunch will be from 12-1 p.m. with Paul Beck talking about management to extend the grazing season from 1-1:45. The final tall will be about annual warm season legumes, by Vanessa Corriher-Olson; alfalfa, by John Jennings; and wildlife nutrition and potential benefits of forage by Billy Higginbotham. This trio will talk from 1:45-3:15 p.m. The evaluation will be from 3:15-3:30.
Registrations can be mailed to the Little River County Extension Office at 1411 N. Constitution, Ashdown, AR 71833.
For more information, call Sherry Beaty-Sullivan at 870-898-7224.