HCSO log

Permitting Livestock to run at large
At approximately 2145 hours on March 23, 2017 Deputy Sorensen was dispatched to 498 highway 73 west in reference to livestock at large.
Caller stated that a neighbor’s horse had gotten out and got in with his mares.
Deputy Sorensen made contact with the owner of the horse and the owner responded and retrieved the horse.
On March 23, 2017 at approximately 1725 hours Deputy Landon Loe was dispatched to the 200 block of Hempstead 179 in reference to a camper on fire.
Upon arrival, he made contact with Charles Butchbeck who stated that he was the owner of the farm. Charles stated that he was attempting to burn a round hay bale and an ember flew from the fire and ignited a nearby camper on his property.
Charles stated that after they noticed the top right of the camper was on fire, one of his farm hands then got into a backhoe and tore that part of the camper off in order to stop the spread of the fire. Deputy Loe noticed the fire had begun to spread slightly into the woods, but wasn’t burning out of control. Guernsey Fire Department arrived on scene and handled the remainder of the incident.
Unattended Child
On 3-23-17 at approximately 10:15 am Inv. Josh Powell was dispatched to the Springhill Store on Highway 355 West in reference to 2-year-old child that was unattended.
Upon arrival, he met with Darrell James. Darrell stated that he was sitting at the store in his truck and noticed a young child walk from Foley Lane onto Highway 355 West then started towards the store. Darrell stated that the child was wearing nothing but a diaper. He noticed that the house between the child and the store had some dogs in the yard that started barking at the child. Darrell said he was not going to let the dogs get to the child so he went to the child.
Darrell had his family with him and they started looking for where the child came from. The first house on Foley Lane they noticed the door open, they knocked on the door but no one came to the door. Then a male subject came out with a baby in his arms and told them that the child was his and that the mother was supposed to be watching him. The child went back to the father and they left.
Inv. Powell made contact with the child’s father at on Foley Lane. The father said that his wife went to the doctor this morning around 0800 hours. He said she woke him up but he went back to sleep. Father said that the child, evidently can open the door now. The father said he was getting child proof stuff for the doors today.
Welfare Check
On March 23, 2017 at approximately 1830 hours Deputy Loe was dispatched Hempstead 104 in reference to a welfare check.
Upon arrival, he made contact with the caller, who stated he first knocked on the door to ask the owner if she would mind if he picked some flowers from in front of her house. caller stated that no one answered the door, but that he noticed a suspicious smell coming from the house. caller stated that he then contacted the Sheriff’s Department in order to make sure everything was ok. Deputy Sorensen and Loe knocked on the door, but was unable to solicit a response. Deputy Sorensen and Loe then checked all the windows and doors on the house and noticed them all to be locked and no one answering any of them. Deputies were unable to smell an unusual odor permeating from any crevices located around the house.
Upon investigation Deputies discovered that the resident was in a local nursing home in Hope.
Domestic Disturbance
On March 23, 2017 at approximately 2200 hours, Deputy Loe was dispatched to the 3000 block of West Avenue B in reference to a domestic disturbance.
Upon arrival, he made contact with the female victim who stated that her and her boyfriend had been in a verbal argument, but nothing physical had come of it. She stated that he left and she wasn’t sure of his location at that time. Victim stated that the argument transpired when a girl she was letting stay at her apartment had begun messaging her boyfriend. Victim stated that a verbal altercation ensued and the woman had left the residence. Victim also stated that she wasn’t sure of the woman’s location.
Suspicious Vehicle
On March 24, 2017 at approximately 0132 hours, Deputy Loe was dispatched to 414 Hempstead 248 in reference to a suspicious vehicle.
Upon arrival, he made contact with the female caller who stated that her ex-boyfriend had been driving passed her house multiple times throughout the night. caller stated that he’s been messaging her constantly and that he’s been trying to find her when she was alone in order to confront her. Caller stated that she had a female friend come to her house in order to have someone there to discourage him from coming up her driveway.
Deputy Loe spoke with the friend who stated that the ex-boyfriend was even following her home just to make sure she wasn’t at the caller’s residence so he could go over there. The female friend stated that the last time he had driven passed the house was right before they contacted the Sheriff’s Department.
Deputies searched the area and was unable to locate the vehicle.
Breaking and Entering / Theft
At approximately 0934 hours on 03/24/17 I was dispatched to 1685 Hempstead 35 North (Rick Evans Grandview Prairie Conservation Education Center) in reference to a breaking or entering.
Upon my arrival, Sgt. Bush made contact with John Sandlin. John stated that he parked his 2010 Dodge Ram truck in the parking lot of the Rick Evans Grandview Prairie Conservation Education Center at approximately 1730 hours on 03/23/17 and returned to at approximately 0845 hours today. He stated that when he returned he found that someone stole a Sears and Roebuck 20 Gauge pump action shot gun out of the back seat of the truck. He stated that the shotgun had a wooden stock with blued barrel and an adjustable choke and was in a leather scabbard. John stated that he does not have a serial number for the gun and does not have a way to get one because it was handed down to him. John also noted that whoever stole the shotgun did not take the bow or other shotgun that was also in the back seat. Bush also noticed that there were two DVD players mounted on the back of the head rest that also were not taken. The incident remains under investigation.
Suicide Threat
At approximately 1352 hours on 03/24/17 Sgt. Jim Bush was dispatched to Highway 299 in reference to a suicide threat.
Prior to his arrival dispatch advised me that they received a call from an unknown male that stated that he received a message from a 52-year-old female and she stated that she was going to kill herself.
Upon my arrival at the address Bush was unable to make contact at the door. he then spoke with a male individual which lives on the same property but in a different trailer. The male stated that he knows she is home because he just saw her not too long before we got there.
Sgt. Bush attempted to enter the front door and it was open. he called out and identified myself but did not get any reply. he then entered the house and located the female on a bed asleep in the east end of the house. he woke the female up and advised her why he was there.
Bush asked her if she has taken any medication and she stated that she has only taken her prescribed medication as it was prescribed to her. She at first denied that she was suicidal, Bush asked the female if she would let him look at her text messages. She agreed to it and unlocked her phone and handed it to Bush, he then read in messages that were sent to a male subject, that she stated that she wanted out of this world. Sgt. Bush asked her what she meant by that and asked her if she meant that she wanted to take her own life and she stated that she did.
She then went with Pafford EMS to Wadley Regional Medical Center at Hope for treatment.