Lloyd addresses court on WWI

PRESCOTT – Peggy Lloyd, a member of the Nevada Depot Museum Board, told the Nevada County Quorum Court about a traveling WWI display during the court’s May meeting Tuesday.
The exhibit, she said, consists of four banners with the names of Nevada County soldiers who served during WWI. Each panel, she told the justices of the peace, have ghost images in the background. Overall around 550 county residents joined the military and served. Of those, 12 were officers and 171 were blacks. Lloyd said the monument in front of the Nevada County Courthouse bears the names of some of the soldiers from WWI.
The exhibit, she said, was funded with a grant of $3,042 from the Arkansas Historic Preservation Society, and is being carried and set up around the county throughout May. Schools have been told they can borrow the exhibit next year when the students are learning about World War I.
Lloyd gave a PowerPoint presentation about the men who served during the Great War, also known as the War to End All Wars. She added there are five pictures that go with the presentation along with a booklet. Most county residents joined the Army, though some opted for the Navy during WWI. Some of the casualties, she concluded, were the result of disease, most likely the Spanish Flu that killed millions at the time.
The presentation included a segment on the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which became active in the county after the war. She showed two pictures of Klan members in their robes, saying the KKK presented itself as having a vigilante aspect, as well as espousing white supremacy.
Very interesting presentation and the historical exhibit is well worth the time to stop by the courthouse and see it. Congratulations to Ms. Lloyd who obviously loves history and presents facts as if they are current events.