Good time at Blevins reunion

HOPE – Hempstead Hall was a busy place Saturday as it hosted both the Blevins All School Reunion and a dance recital.
The Blevins Suite was set up for the reunion, but former students of Blevins High School mingled about in the foyer and hallway, greeting one another and talking about old times. The registration table was kept busy as alumnus flocked to the reunion, ready to reunite with old friends and classmates. Some of those attending hadn’t seen others in years, while a number of those present still live in the area and see one another occasionally, if not regularly.
Eyes lit up as the former Hornets recognized their old friends and colleagues. Memories were shared of days gone by, families, children, grandchildren and, in some cases, great-grandchildren. Cell phone flashes were kept busy as the alums took pictures of one another, and had others take pictures of each other with old friends. There was plenty of laughter and hugs as the past came back to life briefly. Those attending shared well-worn stories of their days at Blevins as well as tales of what’s happened since they graduated. While there wasn’t a lot of young people at the reunion, those who were there were definitely young at heart.
During the festivities, which included a catered dinner (supper), there was also a centerpiece giveaway, a salute to those serve in the nation’s Armed Forces, a report on the scholarship program as well as the naming of this year’s recipient. There were also prizes for the first who registered for the reunion, the one who traveled the furthest, the oldest man and woman and the youngest man and woman, along with an announcement concerning next year’s all school reunion.
Around 125 were on hand, sharing memories and making new ones.