Hope Public Schools Board Meets
HOPE – The Hope School Board held their regular monthly meeting Monday June 19th.
After approving the minutes, the board approved a list of obsolete items to be removed from the district inventory list. The board then looked at the Migrant Education plan.
Under the Superintendents report, Bobby Hart noted Johnson Controls will make a presentation. He introduced Alex Ray who presented a Performance Contract Overview. Performance Contracting requires no upfront money and such projects pay for itself through savings. Superintendent Bobby Hart noted as of May31st the district had spent $575,000 on electricity this school year and he wants to look at ways to get a handle on the energy costs. Ray noted the program uses guaranteed energy savings and operational savings. He also noted typical improvements include lighting upgrades, HVAC improvements, and other sich improvements. He noted there are some improvements to be made utilizing LED lighting. Ray also showed pictures of HVAC units that are near or past their useful life of 15 years. Other potential improvements include water conservation and computer power conservation. Ray showed where the district could save at least $94,983 annually for up to 20 years. The next step would be to sign a letter of selection and negotiate an IGA agreement. After that, Johnson would go into a development grade audit and proceed further. Ray noted Johnson Controls has a 132 year history and noted they have worked with such institutions as UALR. This would be through a tax exempt lease purchase. Johnson would guarantee the improvements over the life of the project. If the board entered into a letter of selection it was estimated work would begin in September and last 6 months. The cost to the district, should they pull out after the letter of selection, would be up to $67,000. The board tabled the matter until the next meeting.
The board approved a group of certified personnel policies. The board did approve a change on a policy dealing with bus drivers. A policy on certified attendance incentive was for staff was rejected in its original proposal and instead was funded at less than half its original $70,000 to $30,000. The policy would buy back up 12 sick days at $25 each. The board also rejected a proposed policy on death benefits for district personnel. The board also adjusted some revisions due to Arkansas School Board Association policies.
The board looked at student handbooks and personnel matters closed out the meeting.