Fire destroys home

PRESCOTT – Fire destroyed a manufactured home early Saturday evening.
The call came in around 6:30 p.m. about a house fire on Hwy. 19. Crews from Fair Hills Volunteer Fire Department, the Nevada County Rescue Unit, Prescott Fire Department and deputies with the Nevada Count Sheriff’s Office responded. Smoke poured out of the structure as firefighters fought to keep the damage to a minimum. At one point, a front window was knocked out so firemen could reach in and remove weapons from inside the home.
There were no injuries reported.
We have an arsonist living amongst us and trust me.. you will slip up you cowardly slime ball! This was my sister’s home and first her daughters which was right behind it, was targeted May 21st! Barely a month and he’s done burned down 2 homes. While we were having a benefit for my niece, Nicole, to try and help her rebuild hers and her children’s lives and put them back in their own home, this slime ball comes back and we’re pretty certain we know who YOU ARE.. and takes down my sister’s home that she and her husband worked hard for years rebuilding after a fire years ago, neither one of these homeowners, Tina or Donnie is in the greatest health, but what you did to them, they didn’t DESERVE and what you did in darkness buddy, will come to light! Jesus will punish you first of all for fooling with his “children” yeah.. both are good loving Christians and God takes care of his own. Mark my words.. you will be figured out soon… We will be planning another benefit in the near future so i ask you all to please be kind and giving when we approach you! God Bless and you can never outgive the Lord…
so sad who were the people living there?