Hope Civitan Club Presents Car Show

HOPE- The Hope Civitan Club will be hosting the car show at the 41st Annual Hope Watermelon Festival on Saturday, August 12, 2017. Showing of the cars will be from 8a.m. until 2 p.m. behind the Bancorp South stage. Cars can be registered on the day of the show from 8a.m. until 11a.m. with a $25 entry fee. There will be official judging taking place with awards being presented around 2p.m, for each category there will be two trophies presented. Gift bags and dash plaques will be given to the first fifty cars. Starting at 1o’clock prize drawings will take place.
Categories for this years show will consist of; Pre-49 Car and Truck, 1949-1960 Care and Truck, 1961-1972 Car and Truck, 1973-1990 Car and Truck, 1991-Present Car and Truck, Corvettes 1955-1983, Corvettes 1984-Present, Mustangs 1964-1993, Mustangs 1994-Present, Rat Rod, Sport Car and Truck, Best of Paint, Best Engine, Best of Show Car, and Best of Show Truck.