Cross Roads Volunteer Fire Department

CROSS ROADS- The Cross Roads volunteer Fire Department held their second fundraiser of the year, Saturday October 7. With a barbecue dinner served and a variety of desserts to choose from meals were eaten and taken to go. After the meal was served the auction began with items such as chainsaws, rocking chairs, deer feeder, and much more.
The benefit goes towards getting the department equipment that they need. Each member in the department has to have protective equipment such as, turnout gear which includes jacket, helmet, boots, and pants with suspenders, they also have to have SCBA with mask. With a total over $6,000 per firefighter for the PPE.
With some of their personnel being trained in hazardous material response, extrication which is used to cut cars, confined space rescue, and medical first responders all of which has training requirements. The fire station has 17 certified firefighters with two new additions to the team being, Clint Lively and Tyler Fleming.