Brickhouse Express Cafe Hosts Community Coffee

The Hope Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce community coffee was hosted by the Brickhouse Express Cafe. Cafe owners Brandon and Christian Owen were present along with Chamber Director, Beckie Moore to welcome the community to the UAHT campus to show what all the Cafe has to offer. Faulty and staff along with students of the Hope campus came to enjoy the coffee with members of the community.
The cafe is not only for students they serve the community as well. Located in the Student Center, they serve hot breakfast and lunches Monday through Friday from 7:30-2:00. Brickhouse Express Cafe offers a variety to choose from such as pancakes, biscuits, and eggs for breakfast and for lunch they serve burgers, chicken baskets, ad more! A salad bar is also available. For a full menu, you can visit their Facebook page; “Brickhouse Express Cafe”