Theft rampant at Partnership holiday party


PRESCOTT – Theft ran rampant Wednesday afternoon at the Nevada County Library, yet no arrests were made.

The thefts came during the Partnership’s annual Christmas party. Members of the boards of both the Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce and the Prescott-Nevada County Economic Development Office, were on hand for lunch and a game of “Dirty Santa”, and it did get dirty.

Friendship went out the window as gifts were eyed for possible theft, but it was all in good fun after a year of the organizations working for the betterment of Prescott and Nevada County.

The thefts got off to a slow start, with almost a dozen gifts being taken from under the tree before the first one was swiped. When someone saw something they wanted, they waited relatively patiently until their turn and took the gift they sought. In several cases, once a gift was swiped, it was taken almost immediately by someone else. This was the case with serving trays, gift cards and tasty treats.

However, there was one gift left lonely under the tree until the very end – a small tree. The tree must have felt like the one in “A Charlie Brown Christmas” as it was passed over again and again as other gifts were selected before it. Eventually, though, it did find a home.

Overall, everyone had fun, laughing at the gifts and thefts and no one left empty handed.

As the party broke up, members of the boards for the Chamber and EDO were given additional thank you gifts for the work they did this past year.

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