Santa letters from Dendy’s 3rd grade

Dear Santa,
It’s Brodyn again. I’m 8 years old this year. I’m in 3rd grade. I think I’ve been a good boy this year. I’ve tried anyway. There are a few things I would like this year. I would like a new finger board, finger board ramps, Rubik’s sped cube, Nerg fun, and Dallas cowboys stuff. Anything else you want to bring will be appreciated. Remember to bring all of my family something nice too. I’ll leave you some cookies and milk. I’ll also leave some reindeer food in the yard. Travele safe and stay warm! Merry Christmas Santa! Write me back if you see Fred or Jingles.
Hi Santa,
It’s Brandon. I’m 8 years old. There are a few things I would like this year. I woold like an X box 360, six games and controllers. Have a merry Christmas Santa!
Dear Santa,
It’s Efryn Mckinnon again. I am 9 years old this year. I am in third grade. I think I’ve been good boy and my brothers to. There are a lot of things I want this year. I want a dirtbike, GTA 5, a puppy dog, an elf on a shelf, and a Play Station 4. That is all I want for Christmas this year. Merry Christmas Santa! HO HO HO!
Dear Santa,
It’s Timothy again. I’m 10 years old this year. I’m in third grade. I think I’ve been a good boy this year. I’ve tried anyway. There are a few things I would like this year. I would love to have a phone, bike, shoes and clothes. Anything else you want to bring me would be appreciated. I’ll leave you some milk and cookies. I’ll also leave some reindeer food in my yard. Travel safe and stay warm! Merry Christmas Santa! I love you Santa.
Dear Santa,
It’s Owen Glass. This year I turned 8 years old. I think that I’ve been good this year. I tried to. I just don’t want to get on that naughty list of yours and I hope I don’t. This year I have a lot of things I want. I want an iphone 7, a metal cage for my cat, a real dirt bike that my friend Balise can teach me how to drive, some candy, one of those swing sets my cousin Kaleigh has, some video games, 3 pairs of black and white tights, and whatever else you want to get me. I’ll leave you some cookies and warm milk. I’ll try not to forget to put some reindeer food outside. Don’t forget to bring our presents to our new house. Have safe travels and stay warm. Merry Christmas Santa!
Owen Glass
Ps, I also want an RC car called a cheetah, a go cart, pokemon cards and a touch screen computer.
Dear Santa,
It’s Lourdes Smith again. I’m 8 years old this year. I’m in third grade. I’ve been a very good girl. I would like a few things this year. I would like to have remote control helicopter, a American girl doll, so I can comb her hair, the Despicable Me 3 movie, and led light up shoes. Anything else you want to bring me would be nice. Can you also bring my cousin and friends and family something too. I’ll leave you some cookies. I’ll leave reindeer food in the yard. Travel safe stay warm. Merry Christmas Santa!
Dear Santa,
It’s Amy Ortiz again. I’m 9 years old this year. I’m in third grade. I link I’ve been a good girl this year. I’ve tried to be good anyway. There are a few things I would like this year. I would love to have a new bike, the Emoji movie, and a new speaker that lights up. Anything else you want to bring me would be awesome. Remember to bring all of my cousins and my teache some things nice for Christmas too. I’ll leave some reindeer food in my yard. Travel safe and stay warm! Merry Christmas Santa!
Dear Santa,
Its Tyi Butler. I am 8 year old this year. I am in the third grade. I think I have been a god girl this year. These are a few things I want for Christmas a gold jacket, gold boots, and a gold necklace with my name on it. Thats all I want for Christmas, but I would like if you brought some more stuff. Make sure you bring all of my family somethings to besafe and have a Merry Christmas Santa!
Dear Santa,
Its Yesenia Gonzales. For Christmas this year I want a new book, a baby doll that you can feed and change its clothes, tennis shoes, blue jeans, sticky nails, a water bottle and a pair of skates. I have a baby brother this year. His name is Aiden and he’s 9 months old. He’s been a really good baby, so please bring him something too. He needs clothes, shoes, a pair of gloves and any kind of toy that makes noise of that he can chew on. He’s a pretty fat baby so the clothes need to be 12 month. I love you Santa!
Dear Santa,
It’s Kaedyn Wilson. I’m 8 years old and in the third grade. I think I’ve been really good this year. I have so many things I would like to get this year, so I’ll just give you half of my list. I would like duel cards, beyblads, a small gumball machine and a light up singing and dancing snowman. I’ll leave you some cookies and cold milk. I’ll also leave some carrots for your reindeer.
Dear Santa,
Hi, this is Morgan Rene’ Randolph again. I am 8 years old. I am in third grade. I think I have been a bad girl this year and I really need to straighten myself up before Christmas time. I know I have tried to straighten my behavior up a lot! Here are five things I want and one thing I need for Christmas. I want a baby doll that has diaper and a bottle, a picture of you and Mrs. Claus, a basketball, a basketball goal, and the game Candy Land. Now, here is the one thing I need and it’s clothes. Anything else you want to bring me for Christmas that you know I would really like I wo be so happy to s3e if. Bra needs clothes, but the clothes have to be 5t. Could you please bring Hat that new bumbo seat from Walmart that you can buckle baby in. I will leave all corrots in my front and back yard. Travel safe there and back and stay warm. Merry Christmas and happy New years day to you.
Love your pal,
Morgan Rene’ Randolph
Dear Santa,
This year you can bring me anything that you think I should have. I would be really happy if you brought me a moto tec pocket rocket bike, a pin rod for fishing, and a laser. I’ve already wrote you one letter, but here is this one just in case. Merry Christmas Santa!
Clay Hartley
Hi Santa!
I’m Christopher Marcum and I’m in the third grade. I’m 8 years old this year. For Christmas I would like a pocket racer, a rapter strike nerf gun, darts and one of the really big fast and Furious remote control cars. Merry Christmas Santa!
Dear Santa,
It’s Jasmine Huckabee again. I’m 10 years old and I’m in the third grade this year. I think I’ve been a good girl this year. I’ve tried very hard to be. I want a new basketball and a hoverboard, and skates with tow wheels on the back and new clothes. Have a safe trip and stay warm. Merry Christmas Santa. I’ll leave you some cookies and milk and reindeer food outside.
Dear Santa,
My name is Rodquez. I’m 9 years old. The first thing I want is a PlayStation4. The second thing is a GRTA 5, WWE 2k18 for a PS4. The third thing I want is a WWE toy Finn Balor. The fourth thing I want for Christmas is for every one to have a great Christamas. The fifth thing I want is NBA Kyire Irving and Russel Westbrook shoes and some basket ball tights. Tell Mrs. Clause and all if the elves I said hello.
Dear Santa,
It’s Devan Scoggins again. I’m nine this year. I’m in the third grade. I think I’ve been a good girl this year. There are a lot of things I want for Christmas this year, I would love to have a lamp, a Trolls bed set, high heeled shoes, lipstick, emoji stuff, a new water bottle, a purple notebook, nail polish, a pink bike, colored pencils, sticky notes, a Descendants spell book andposter, head phones, and a pink tablet case. Merry Christmas!
Dear Santa,
It’s Jamarion Yates from the little white house across from the school. I’m nine years old. I’m in the third grade. I think I’ve been a good boy this year. Here are five things I want for Christmas. I want a lap top, a DJ set, an RC dashcam car, a go kart and a drone. Be safe traveling.
Dear Santa,
It’s Mario Brownlee. I’m 9 years old and in the third grade. I think I’ve been good this year. I have a few things I would like for Christmas this year. I would like Xbox 360 games, a new bike and an iphone. Merry Christmas!