Pennington’s 3rd grade Santa letters

Dear Santa,
I sure hope you remember me from when I was a little girl. I sure remember you! These are my student’s letters to you. They have been very good and are such hard workers. They deserve everything they ask for.
We will all be looking for you!
Mrs. Pennington
3rd Grade PES
Dear Santa,
I want a baby doll and a stroller, and a baby bed, and a baby bottle, a carset, a toy car, a phone, a ipid, some shoes, and some close. I would also like a live baby doll and some baby doll diapers, and pull up. The baby will need some baby wipes and a baby doll potty. I will leave you milk and cookies. Be safe.
From: Destiny
To: Sana
Dear Santa,
How are you? I’ve been a good girl. I want My little poney toys for Chrismas. I want multiple poneys. I want Reredey, Trielight – Sparkle, Apple Jack and Swettie pie. I also want lots of red truffles.
I was wondering Santa … what is your favorite cookeis? I wanted to make them perfect to go with your mik. Also, what do you want for Christmas?
Your friend,
Tessa Landley
P.S. I don’t have a fire place. Use the front door please. Say hi to the Elves!
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like a bike, a mini kitchen and a dollhouse. I would like a bike because I’ve been working on riding a bike without training wheels. I would like a kitchen becase I love helping my mom when she is cooking. I would love a doll house because when I play with my little sister she and I play with barbies; all we need is a doll house. These are three things I would like for Christmas please. Bye Santa! Have a safe trip!
Your friend,
Yeybeth Zacarias
Dear Santa,
For Christmas, I would like a XBOX and a MADDEN 99. My last thing I would like is a patriot hoodie.
I have been a good boy this year. I am in the third grade. I like the new city Prescott. I will leave milk and cookies for you.
Your friend,
Dear Santa,
Are you really real? What kind of cookies do you like? I would like a Xbox, and a Nerf gun and a tablet. You are nice and thank you for the gifts.
Have a nice day
Dear Santa,
You are nice. You get me stuff. Can you buy me a I phone and BB gun? Can you come to my Christmas party? I will leave you some cookies.
Your pal,
This is what I want for Cristmas. I want a game of fooseball, a bow and arrow, doritos crash course game. I will leave you cookies and milk. Tell the elves I said hi.
Your friend,
Dear Santa,
I want a moped, Lego a pistal and a hoverboard. What kind of cookies do you want? I hope you had a great year. We are having a Christmas play. OK see you later Have a safe trip.
Thank you! Say hi to the elves!
Your Buddy,
Dear Santa,
I have a question for you what is your favorite cookies? I want to tell you what I want for Christmas. It is a hoverboard, a live babby, some diapers, some clothes, a babby bottle, a high Chair, some shoes, and soe pull-ups, and a babby bed. I would also like a bike, a zoom kitty, a orbea set, a potty set, a stroller. That is what I want for Christmas.
I will make sure I leave you cookies and milk. I hope you have a great Christmas!
Your friend
Dear Santa,
Can you get me another X Box 360 controller for Christmas so we can have two players on the X Box 360. One more thing I would like are just three packs of BB bullets. So how are you? Well, just to tell you I’m good. Actually I’m awesome. I just want two now do you really fly around the would. I have to go now. Be safe!
Your frenid.
Dear Santa,
Hi Santa! I hope you have a safe trip. I want some beats, PS4, some new video games, and money for Christmas. I think I’ve been pretty good this year. I am in third grade. I am a monkey in the school play. Say hi to the elves!
From your friend
Will Avery
Dear Santa,
I am looking forward to Christmas. What is your favorite cookie? By the way, my name is Conley. Christmas is my 2nd favorite holiday. How has your year been? I’v been pretty good this year.
This year for Christmas may I have 5 tickets to go see Texas play football? Can you make the seats on the right sideline half way up? It would make me very happy if I get this for Christmas.
Have a safe trip, say Hi to the elves for me. I am excited for Christmas. See ya.
Your friend,
Dear Santa,
High Santa, I hope you have had a great year. I have been pretty good. I am in third grade now. This is the thing I would like: a Neft gun.
Dear Santa,
Hi Santa! I have been good this year. I want a for weeler which is the best. I would also like an xbox one with gta 5 and Just cause. Say hi to the elves and Mrs. Claus. I love you Santa.
I want a new bike for Chritmas. I want new shoes for Chritmas. I want some clhose. Hi Santa I love the elves. I hope you have a good year. I olve every tantle yu give me. Hay Santa, I love you so much. Santa is so so cool and I a bike to.
Dear Santa,
I hope you are ok and I hope roodlf is ok too. How are the elves? I want a bike and I want a lot of apples.
Thank you,