Bennett’s homeroom resolutions


These are the New Year’s Resolutions from Bennett’s homeroom:

My New Year Resolution is to make wiser choices. Because when you make wiser choices you can do more things and accomplish more things.

Tyrance Marks

The beginning of 2018, My New Year’s Resolution is to get faster at running. In cross country I am fast, but I just don’t want to be at the end of the team. It’s like I can run for a while and then my heart starts pounding faster and faster, then my stomach starts cramping, and I have to stop running.

I really like running. It gets rid of my stress which calms me down. I don’t want to be a quitter and just stop running every time I get red. That’s why that’s my new year’s Resolution so I can practice and get better. Like they always say “Practice makes Perfect.”

Melelina Mcroy

My new year’s resolution is to make better grades in school. That is my goal for all of my new year’s resolution.


My New Year’s Resolution is to be a better person to God because He gave us this world to live in. He is the Lord almighty. He is the best. He does not sin. He gave his only son for us, so we need to respect him.

Kage Hillery

My new years, resolution, is to be more kind to others. Last year I was a little mean. And this year, I would like to change. And maybe I will make a friend. And that is my new years reolution.

Elijah Cox

I want to accomplish math problems because I want be better about myself. That is my new year’s resolution.


What’s you new year’s resolution? Have you even thought about it? Well, I have. My main goal is to become a better person and come closer to God and help spread the word of Him. I plan to help others come closer to God. And I want to help others that are in need. And I also want to accomplish on having a better attitude.


My new year’s resolution is to be better at math class to understand it better than right now because I’m struggling a lot. Another thing I need to get better at is reading more and more books.


My New Year’s Resolution is to try to be kind to others.

Because some people go home crying and do stuff that’s not good at all, so we should change out attitude.

Third of all I need to change my attitude into nice attitudes and be respectful to the adults.

2017 was a great year. I have made a lot of wonderful friends and have done a lot of wonderful things, but this is a new year. 2018! In 2018 I want to make even more friends. I also really want to help people that are in need. I hope I can really accomplish these resolutions.


My New Year’s Resolution is to do a lot better at school and at home. Sometimes I just want to clean around my neighborhood because my neighborhood is so dirty. I want our planet to be clean. Angie Munoz

My new years resolution is to lose weight. I want to lose weight because, I want to be a better happier me. I would have a healthier lifestyle, and a happy attitude. That is my new years resolution. Happy New Year!

Marnie Buck

My New Year’s resolution is to accomplish reading more. Also it is to use my manners. Do you know what you want to accomplish! Well this is what I want to do. I want to be on my best behavior because it is good to do that. When I grow up I want to be a lawer and accomplish it. That is what I would want to do.


My new year’s resolution is to help my pupaw work on cars and to start learning how to be a mechanic because when I grow up, I want to work at Bobo and Bains which is where my papaw worked and got his truck. That is my new years resolution.


My New Year’s Resolution

This year there is a goal I want to reach, so I can be better. My New Year’s resolution would be to give more to charity. There are many kids in the world who need help. If I could give more to charity, the world would be happier. It would be a great way to make sure that everyone who needs help can get it. That is what I would choose as my New Year’s resolution.


My new year’s resolution is to be more involved in helping charities. I believe I should help charities more, because once I made and sold cupcakes to give the Hope Animal Shelter. It felt good to help and raise over a $100 for all the animals. It would be really fun to try and raise more money for other charities. That’s my new year’s resolution. What’s yours?

Kelsie Harvey

My new year’s resolution is to play sports, I want to play sports because I want to get in shape. I also want to get a better attitude because, I’m very disrespectful.


My New Year’s Resolution it to become a famous singer because I practice every Day. I want to make a song with Chris Brown and other singers, and then I want to become rich.


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