Students recognize board

PRESCOTT – Two things of note took place at the January meeting of the Prescott School Board Monday night.
First, the board was recognized by students and principals of the school district. January is School Board Recognition Month. The second was the board being informed a new program is in the works to offer a livestock program at the Prescott School District.
Darren Neal and Fred Harris told the board they’re working to make the school’s farm operational again and have secured a $50,000 donation from Percy Malone to build a new barn on the land. Board approval was needed for the construction of the barn.
Neal said this was the first step.
Harris told the panel a 501(c)3 organization is being formed, and should be approved in the next 45 days, to handle all funds for the farm so the board doesn’t have to meet in what could be frequent special sessions. The goal is to raise $100,000 to get started. He said about $70,000 has been raised to date. The barn will be 40×80 feet.
Neal said about 20 children have participated in the Nevada County Fair’s Livestock Sale the last two years and with the new barn this figure can be doubled. This will allow the school, and 4-H, to reach children who don’t have the money, facilities or parental involvement to participate in raising livestock. The livestock, though, will be limited as the farm is only 10 acres. Neal said there will be a couple of cows, sheep, swine, rabbits and poultry. The barn will primarily be for lambs and swine.
There was a brief discussion about the bids with Harris saying they’d like to let bids this week for the barn. Superintendent Robert Poole, after the board approved getting bids, said a special meeting will be called to announce the winning bidders.
All of the district’s agriculture instructors will be involved in this project. Neal told the board poultry and rabbits are getting more popular as there are children who aren’t comfortable with larger animals.
The board was presented with gifts for its service, and had students tell what the board means. A short video made by the third grade was also shown.
The board approved a proposed budget for 2019-20 as required by law. Poole said this budget isn’t binding and will be changed, but the district is required to approve it. He added there is no change to the district’s millage rate.
Enrollment in the district, he said, is 966, with 519 in Prescott Elementary School and 447 in Prescott High School.
On Feb. 8, the board was informed, the FCCLA will host a community coffee from 9:30-11 a.m., and at 1 p.m. SAU’s Encore group will perform in the PHS auditorium.
After an executive session, the board voted to extend Poole’s contract another year.