Pafford EMS Now Offering Ambulance Services in Howard County, AR

February 9, 2018: Hope, AR; At 8 AM Pafford Medical Services began its paramedic level 9-1-1 ground ambulance response and patient transport services today in Nashville, AR. Pafford Medical Services will base its Howard County operations in Nashville with two, new, Medix Type III ambulances. Says Jamie Pafford-Gresham, CEO, “ For years our service areas have shared responsibilities on the county lines, By joining these areas together we can offer the citizens in both Howard and Hempstead counties the opportunity for even better response time performance as we regionally deploy ambulances throughout our rural service areas to where patients need them.” The company is licensed throughout Arkansas to respond to 9-1-1 emergencies, and to satisfy urgent and non-urgent requests for ambulance transport to and from medical facilities. Pafford EMS is excited to welcome John Gray and Laura Gray to the management team as both have over 40 years of combined experience in EMS. As well as welcomed the qualified paramedics and EMTS who currently serve in Howard County to continue as Pafford associates. John Gray states, “Laura and I are excited for this new endeavor and look forward to continuing to provide enhanced EMS care to the citizens of Howard County.” As Howard County’s new 9-1-1 ambulance provider, Pafford Medical Services is pleased to honor current Howard County Ambulance Service memberships and will offer the county’s non-member residents access to its cost-saving Membership program along with its promise to serve the citizens with the same compassionate care. About Pafford EMS: In the four-states where Pafford Medical Services operates (Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma), the company’s more than 950 full and part/time employees staff more than 100 ambulances, three (3) medical helicopters, and two (2) fixed wing air ambulances to produce more than 130 thousand annual responses and front-line patient care. The company is celebrating its 51st year in business and was named EMS Service of the Year (2017) by the Arkansas Ambulance Association.