Employee retention seminar at UAHT
HOPE – A seminar on retaining employees will be held Monday, March 27, from 12-2 p.m. at Hempstead Hall.
The seminar “Engage to Retain – Building Employee Retention through Onboarding and Development” will be presented by Steve Puckett SPHR.
The program will help businesses learn: how to set up new employees for success on day one; the role culture plays in the onboarding process; how to work with employees to define and achieve their career goals; and the importance of ongoing employee development.
“Engage to Retain” is a training program for managers and supervisors that addresses two key components of an effective employee retention strategy: the onboarding of new employees and the importance of ongoing development. The program will help those attending learn techniques to ensure a new employee feels engaged from the first day and how building a culture of growth and development is important to both their employees and the future success of their company.
Puckett is considered to be one of the top Human Resource professionals in the staffing industry, with 30-years of experience as an HR practitioner.
There is no cost to attend the seminar, but those planning to attend are asked to RSVP by March 19 by calling Melissa Mooneyham at 870-773-1313.