HCHU flu clinic Friday

HOPEĀ  – Hempstead County’s Health Unit will be holding a mass flu clinic from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. at Hempstead Hall on the campus of the University of Arkansas Community College at Hope.

There will be no out of pocket cost for flu shots, however, those with insurance are asked to bring their insurance cards. Those getting flu shots are also reminded to wear loose clothing or short sleeves as the vaccines are administered in the upper arm.

Once again, the vaccines are made from strains of dead flu virus and cannot give anyone the flu. But, it takes about two weeks for the body to build up antibodies to fight influenza and anyone who gets the flu during this period was likely exposed before getting vaccinated. The vaccine will be a quadravailant, meaning it’s made of strains of four flu viruses.

Staff of the HCHU, along with student nurses from UACCH will be administering the vaccinations. While most vaccines will be given inside Hempstead Hall, nurses will leave the building to vaccinate those unable to come inside.