All enjoy Leadership party

PRESCOTT – It was party time for the board of Leadership Nevada County Thursday afternoon.

The party was held at the home of Mary Godwin, executive director of the Prescott-Nevada County Economic Development Office, with plenty of finger foods available to munch on. A game of Dirty Santa was also on tap for those who attended, with good gifts brought by everyone. However, the party started with an ugly sweater contest, won by Prescott Mayor Terry Oliver. Prizes went to the top three finishers.

Once the ugly sweater contest was decided, the thefts began with Dirty Santa. Those who found something they wanted were often required to look for a substitute prize, as their chosen gift left with someone else. No one could be trusted in the game as those least suspected of “stealing” a gift were often the first to do so. But it was all in fun and no one went home disappointed.