Hope City Board

The Hope City Board met Tuesday November 19th at City Hall.

The board first heard a presentation on the city’s Class IV landfill from Stewart Noland of Christ Engineers. The Class IV cell was built in 2009 and it has about 18 months of use left. This landfill is for building and demolition materials. The city is considering a 3 acre site expected to last about 15 years. The cost is estimated is around $425,000. Noland says it is very positive that the City doesn’t owe any money on the Class IV cell. Catherine Cook noted the city has the actual site of the new cell permitted. She also said the city doesn’t have all the money to construct the new cell and would probably finance part of it. The construction would probably last 120 days. Noland said he intended to share the plans with ADEQ although he doesn’t have to as the new cell is already permitted. Cook says they hope to talk to a local bank for the proposed financing. Vice-Mayor Don Still says the city needs to be thinking about some plans to finance improvements at the landfill in the future. No action was taken.

The board considered a residential zoning change from R-2 Residential Use to R-5 Residential Use. This would allow the replacement of a mobile home on the property at 1307 West 4th. The planning and zoning commission has endorsed the request. The board approved an ordinance approving the change.

The board considered a rezoning ordinance at 610 Hickory. The request was to change from R-2 Medium Density to R-5 Residential Use. The request is to allow Curtis Spencer to place a mobile home in the property. It was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission although there were some opposition to the the rezoning. Cook said she believes the board has, in the past considered rezoning a larger area to in the vicinity to R-5. The board approved an ordinance authorizing the rezoning.

The board voted to declare a 2008 Chevy Impala as surplus property. This has been the airport courtesy car which was recently involved in a minor accident with a deer. The board voted to remove a 2013 Dodge Charger from the surplus list and to put it in service as the airport courtesy car.

Under the City Manager’s report, Catherine Cook noted Atwood’s has offered to sell the parking lot at 2nd and Pine to the city for $48,000. The Tourism Commission has voted to fund this. Most of the property would go to the Clinton Birthplace National Historic Site. The city would retain a small amount of the area for development of a park and veterans memorial. The Clinton Birthplace would develop the parking area and green space. Mayor Montgomery stressed the city plans to deed the Atwood’s property and Kopecky property to the historic site. This will be tied in to the streetscape plan to tie in downtown with the site. The board voted to allow staff to proceed with the purchase and plans.

Cook noted the process of appraising the old Dox/OTASCO building site is underway.

Under citizens requests, Hazel Simpson asked about the signage at North Side Park. Cook noted the signage request will have to go to Planning and Zoning but several proposed sign designs will be produced on banners and hung at the park to gather public input on the signage. Simpson also asked for an update on the playground equipment at North Side and it was noted the “fall” surface is being installed. Simpson asked about electricity at North Side and was is it adequate to hold a jazz festival and Cook noted it was not but Fair Park has several stages with adequate electricity. Board member Kiffenea Talley asked what would be necessary for the electricity to be upgraded and Cook said it would have to be studied. Simpson also said a group would like to have an Arkansas Day at the park.

Vice Mayor Don Still noted lights need to be repaired at the soccer field. It was noted the lights are too high for Water and Light trucks and they hope to work on them using the fire department ladder truck.

Board member Kiffenea Talley asked about adding cats to the city license fee. Discussion ensurd. No action was taken. Chief J.E. Wilson noted cats need to be vaccinated for rabies. The meeting then adjourned.